Welcome to Trinity's Little Free Pantry

We're happy to offer this resoruce for our community that is open 24 hours. This Little Free Pantry operates on a “Take One, Leave One” policy. Please abide by the policy below so that all who are in need can find something here at any time:

Go Here for Little Free Pantry location.

Take One:

  • This Little Free Pantry is for personal/family use only.
  • Take only what you need for your personal or family’s immediate use.
  • PLEASE do not empty the entire pantry. It is for the use of the whole community.
  • If you need more food assistance than what is here, please contact us or go here to learn about the Akron-Newstead Food Pantry.

Leave One:

This Little Free Pantry relies on our neighbors to sustain it. You can help by leaving food items to feed our neighbors in need.

Leave One guidelines:

  • Please leave ONLY food items that are non-perishable AND that
    neither hot or freezing weather will affect it (no glass items).
  • Basic toiletry or seasonal items are welcome.
  • Please leave ONLY items that are in new or good condition (unopened with no dents, cuts, tears, rust, etc.) and that are NOT already expired.

Thank You!